Mediation Services

Mediation is assisted negotiation. In mediation, a trained, neutral third party helps two or more parties negotiate to resolve their dispute. Mediation typically employs a problem-solving approach to address conflict rather than the traditional, adversarial method. Mediators are trained in communication and problem solving skills, which they use to help parties make the best possible decisions about whether to, and how to, resolve their dispute.

Mediation is a voluntary, informal process. Rules of evidence do not apply. Testimony is not taken. Mediation allows parties to control the dispute resolution process, rather than having a judge or some other official control it for them. Mediation is typically faster and more economical than adjudication, and even if mediation does not resolve the dispute, it almost always helps parties clarify and narrow the issues so that adjudication can proceed more rapidly.

Our team of mediators at Terrana Perez & Salgado, P.A., utilize three phases of mediation: Introduction, Problem Solving and Closure. Based on our experience, these three phases allow our clients to leverage the highest benefit from mediation, and in most cases, we are succussful in helping our clients find common ground and acceptable terms.

why choose us
to represent you?

Our personal commitment to you

Beginning with the initial evaluation, and throughout the mediation of your legal issue, our lawyers maintain personal contact to ensure the mediation resolution strategy changes with any issues discovered during the mediation process and ensure all parties are made aware of all options moving forward.

Our client referrals and recommendations

We have developed a respected reputation and industry leading proficiency in mediation resolution. We're proud of our demonstrated success in mediating our clients legal issues.

Contact Us

what you
should know

  • How to request mediation.

    Since mediation sessions will not be scheduled until both parties consent, your mediation may move faster if the parties discuss and agree to mediation prior to contacting us. In adverse conditions, we will contact each party independently.

  • Mediation confidentiality.

    We abide by and adhere to the confidentiality provisions of the Administrative Dispute Resolution Act of 1996.

  • Decisions at mediation.

    Mediators are not decision-makers or judges and have no personal interest in the substantive outcome of a case. We use our experience in communication and negotiation to help the parties make effective, informed decisions for themselves.